Red Sox Podcast
The most comprehensive Red Sox discussion, from the minor leagues up to Fenway, on the web.
With the minor league season delayed by a month, the August rankings update also served as the official "midsdeason" update, and boy, did this update ever shake things up! In addition to the debuts of the 2021 draftees—including the answer to the question of whether Marcelo Meyer would debut at number 1—we saw an incredible amount of movement as reports came in from all levels, including the complex leagues. Who rose? Who fell? And why? Chris and Ian dished about all of it, in addition to talking about the Red Sox pitching shakeup, the weekly promotions update, and of course, your emails!
We also want to thank our in-residence musical guest, The Ludlow Thieves. Check them out on YouTube and Spotify.
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Direct download: SPPod_221_Rankings_Shake_Up.mp3
Category:Baseball -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT