Red Sox Podcast
The most comprehensive Red Sox discussion, from the minor leagues up to Fenway, on the web.

Well, they figured it out and the MLB lockout is over! Chris and Ian answered the call of the emergency podcast siren and got on the horn to talk about the new CBA - what we know about it at least - and how the Red Sox need to attack the compressed offseason and build a full roster! Plus, your emails!

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Direct download: SPPod_241.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:56pm EDT

One way or another, this will be the last episode of the podcast to primarily focus on the latest regarding the lockout. With no deal yet, which minor leaguers will be most affected? How will the organization adjust? Chris and Ian looked at those questions and more. Plus, transactions and your emails, including the guys talking about how they started at SoxProspects!
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Love the show? Want to help us out while also getting exclusive goodies? Support the podcast by contributing to us on Patreon! Go to Sox Prospects on Patreon for the details.
Direct download: SPPod_240.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29pm EDT